Price range (€ TTC)
Length (cm)
Diameter (mm)
Weight (g)
Blade length (cm)

all products «Alarming and Self-Defense Weapons - umbrellas and cannes»

defense's Cannes and umbrellas, hiding most of the time a blade, or being very resistant, these sticks or umbrellas allow a double function and perform them successfully.
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Sword Cane - Country
Sword Cane - Country
40.00 € TTC
SKU LC3780
SKU Designation French Law MSRP Stock
LC3780 D
40 € incl. tax
Unbreakable defense baton umbrella
 sans marque EA sans marque EA  
Unbreakable defense baton umbrella
149.00 € TTC
SKU Designation French Law MSRP Stock
AD450 Umbrella defense baton D
149 € incl. tax
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Set of defense cannes and umbrellas.
In France products of categories A, B, C or D are subject to rules of purchase, port, transport and detention. For more details please consult the link below.
Classification of weapons according to the French Internal Security Code
The recommended retail prices are listed as a guide..
Pictures are not contractual. Photos of product may be different with the final products.
Texts, brands and characteristics are not contractual as they are liable to change depending on arrivals.