What is natural referencing?
It's the art of positioning yourself well in search engines, and mainly on Google without spending money using different tools.
1. Write unique and quality content
Write your own texts in your product sheets for example by providing answers to your users. Be careful, Google penalizes copying and pasting from other sites.
The ideal in addition to writing your own texts / content is to have content of at least 300 to 400 words for a page. However, a quality 50 word page will be better than a 300 word page copy from another site.
2. Don't overlook keywords
Positioning on a large number of keywords will allow you to attract more traffic to your site.
To help you determine which keywords to use on your website, Google Trends allows you to find out which keywords are the most popular on the net.
Enter your keyword on the Google Trends site, for example "Shotgun", you can see the evolution of the interest of this search over time T, depending on the country you have chosen, the date, the category etc. .
3. Don't forget to fill in your tags
3 tags are necessary for natural referencing:
- The “Title” tag is the title you will give to each of your pages. The words in the title will appear in bold in the search engine when it matches the user's search.
This tag corresponds to the "Title" fields on Prestashop, Magento and most web software.
- The “H1” tag corresponds to the different parts of your menu. It allows you to prioritize your menu.
This tag corresponds to the catchphrase, or to a voluntary choice on a selection of words depending on the software.
- The "Meta Name" tag allows you to summarize your page, with a text of 240 characters maximum. This summary will be displayed in the search engine results pages.
This tag is generally a dedicated field on Prestashop, Magento, etc. It is particularly important for Google searches.
4. Pay attention to your images!
Images should be good looking, quality, and not overly heavy to ensure the speed and performance of your site. Make sure your images have alt text associated with them to ensure higher search engine rankings.
5. The site must be compatible with mobile phones
For this your site must be "responsive design" is a method which consists in making a website perfectly readable on any medium. Whether on computer screens, mobile phones, tablets or even on the connected TV.
This will improve the user experience on your site, and prevent your potential customers from leaving. Google lowers sites that are not responsive in its selection.
Sites under Prestashop, Magento and recent solutions are normally “responsive design”, if your site is older or developed in-house, contact your developer to check its compatibility.
BONUS: Social networks !!
Social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or even YouTube allow you to develop visibility and popularity for your site and also to generate quality traffic.
To do this, make many publications that link to your site!
You have all the keys in hand to make your site visible on search engines. Your turn now !